Purchasing The Best Men's Suits For You

By Carol Baker

Some people say that clothes make the man. While we don't really believe this, we admit that a man who wears clothes well gives an indelible impression. And what's the quintessential urbane man clothing? A suit. Every man who's anyone owns at least two. Mens suits are elegantly cut, well-fitted, and show the wearer's personality. A man in a good suit looks attractive, competent, smart, and sexy. If you haven't got one, then you should definitely invest in a good suit.

The problem, particularly if you're new to wearing mens suits, is how do you pick one? Any simple observer can spot an ill-fitting and/or unattractive suit, and this speaks volumes regarding your preference and experience. How do you choose the appropriate suit for the perfect first impression?

Below are some ideas to help you pick that best first outfit.

1) Consider your body type.

a) If you're slim and short, choose a triangular shape. Pick shorter jackets. It's advisable to use cuffless pants that are used high on the waistline and extend at your foot as this creates an illusion of length. On the other hand, avoid pants whose hem piles close to your shoe as this looks sloppy.

b) If you're slim and tall, opt for clothes which have broad lapels, pockets, and wide coats. The goal here is to make your shoulders and chest look wider. Opt for cuffed pants as they look better (and less sloppy) on long legs.

c) If you're athletic or heavily built, opt for a long jacket with a lean cut and prevent narrow waists. It is best to achieve a balance between a wide torso and all of your body. Choose pinstriped mens suits in light cloth since these are the most useful suits for your type.

2) Choose your fabric.

a) Worsted wool is the best cloth you'll find for business suits as it's suitable for just about any style of outfit and is easy to clean. If you're buying your first outfit, look at ones made of worsted wool. You can even search for linen, flannel, or cotton mens suits if you'd like something different.

3) Pick the color of your men's suit.

a) Navy blue, black, and dark gray are the essential suit colors. Black has the most slimming impact but is most suitable for those who have light skin. If you're already tall and thin, avoid this color as it will make you look unhealthily stick-thin. Navy blue mens suits are the best regularly worn; you should purchase one if you have the gravitas and style to pull it off as it helps make folks look younger. Dark or charcoal grays are one of the most classy and versatile; they're suitable for almost anyone.

b) Other color options include brown, tan, taupe, light gray, and white. The lighter colors are suitable for warmer weather. The browns are tricky to pull off given that they can look drab, but with the right hues and pigments, they can become the most stylish of suits.

Don't forget to consult with dressmakers and sales workers if you're unsure what'll be right for you.

The key to looking impressive in a suit is confidence. Walk straight and stand tall. You might be wearing the finest suit in the world but if you slouch and look dejected, it won't be any good at all. So remember: to wear your suit well, be confident.

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