Acupuncture Therapy And Pain Relief

By Sylvia Salcedo Rojas

Acupuncture, in ancient China and in many parts of East Asia, is considered as an alternative medicine. It can cure arthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck pain and many types of health ailments.

There are some people who are hesitant to settle for acupuncture to cure pain. Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been around for hundreds of years. It does not depend on modern prescribed drugs or pills. Instead, acupuncture awakens the body's defenses and therapeutic abilities in order to prevent and even cure various diseases and pain.

However, Westerners have different perspective of a human body. For them, the body is just a physical mass and what they see is just a shape of a human body. For Chinese, the human body is beyond just a physical mass. It is built on qi and yin yang, which are considered important and relevant in our body because these are the same elements that allow positive flow of energy into our body and they serve as answers such as treatment to the diseases in our body.

Acupuncture is the well known traditional Chinese medicine that includes insertion of Acupuncture needles into the human body. They are not just inserted randomly. There is a specific point in which each needle is inserted. In fact, they help the circulation of the blood and energy in the body and also balance the qi in the body. Qi used to be invisible in our body but because of Acupuncture, it is being brought back into our system.

Traditional Chinese Medicine believed that ailments are caused by a disturbance or disruption of a person's flow of energy and blood throughout his body. The energy and blood may not freely flow because of the blockage or obstruction. In other words, if there is a free flow of blood and energy, there is no pain and disease to talk about. But, if there is no free flow of qi throughout the body, a person feels pain and discomfort.

Acupuncture therapy helps in restoring and maintaining the body's blood and energy flow. The acupuncture needles restore blood and energy movement in order to provide relief from ailments and pain. There have been a number of reviews which show that acupuncture for pain has significant positive results. With these reviews, it just shows that acupuncture can cure pain by restoring and balancing the body's energy and blood flow.

Acupuncture therapy is gaining wide reputation and acceptance. It is even considered as a non-invasive and high quality medicinal alternative. It does not introduce any damaging and detrimental effects to the body. Hence, acupuncture is one of the best options to cure pain and other ailments.

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