How to Find the Best Huntington Beach Dentist

By John Corey

Have you ever wondered how celebrities get their teeth so perfectly white? Most movie stars have their teeth bleached in order to get that "mega watt" smile. Today you don't have to be Hollywood celebrity to achieve a whiter, brighter smile. But with the vast array of bleaching products available (both in office and over the counter), it can be confusing to select the right option. Here are some tips to find the best whitening, but you should also check with your Huntington dentist for more information.

The tooth is made of three layers the enamel (the outer layer), the dentin and the pulp (nerve and blood supply). Teeth staining can either be extrinsic (external) on the enamel or intrinsic (internal) m the denim. Certain foods and beverages, such as red wine, coffee, tea or soda can contribute to extrinsic staining. Smoking can also cause teeth to be discolored and turn a brownish color. Other contributing factors include the natural aging process and ingestion of certain antibiotics (like tetracycline).

Carbamide peroxide (the main component of bleaching products) helps to eliminate these stains and is usually dispensed in gel form. The gel is placed on your teeth, its whitening agents work by oxidizing the pigments that cause discoloration. Some common side effects are tooth sensitivity, which typically disappears within one to three days.

The last thing you want your child to hear about the dentist is patient horror stories. Allowing your child to hear experiences detailing blood, injections, and operations may not only instill fear in your child but also leave the child with a negative impression of dentists. If you have to discuss previous experiences in the dental clinic, do it with your partner or a friend in private.

If your child is visiting his or her dentist for the first time, let your child inspect the dental office. With the dentist's permission, your child can probably sit on the dental chair and look at the mouth mirror and other dental tools. If your child is a bit hyperactive, make sure that your child won't be running around the dental office.

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