Tips To Help You Keep Crystal Red Shrimp

By Elizabeth Bennett

If you are thinking of an entertaining way to bring your living space back to life, an aquarium would be the best feature to add. With an aquarium, you can keep all sorts of sea animals, but if you are looking for bright colors, you should keep crystal red shrimp. Their bright colors make them beloved, but a lot of dedication and preparation is required if you are to rear them effectively.

Before you go to an aquarium shop to buy them, it is essential to know how to set up the perfect environment. If you are a beginner, it is wise to start with a small aquarium that houses a small number to let you monitor them easily. If you are a veteran, a bigger aquarium should suit your breeding needs.

As you set up the ambiance in the pool, keep in mind the fragile nature of the creatures. They are easily swept by strong water currents, meaning you should try as much as possible to avoid adding current boosters. Also, as much as the aquarium needs a filter to keep the water and air clean, buying an overly powerful filter might suck them in and even kill them.

Always add a variety of water plants to an aquarium as you set it up. The plants and moss act as a source of food as well as hiding places. You can also introduce stones, wood, and any other items that may act as hiding places. Bigger fish usually prey on the shrimps, so if you have to add other species in the aquarium, make sure they do not pose as a threat.

Unlike other animals that you can transfer directly from the bag into the aquarium, these should be gradually transferred to avoid stressing them. From the bag they are packed in at the pet store, move them into a bowl and let them sit for a while. Once you are sure the aquarium and its water are in perfect condition, add them and monitor for a while. Warning signs would include them not swimming or just floating at the top.

When it comes to feeding, the planted vegetation acts as a significant source of food and nutrients. Additionally, you can give all sorts of food since they are omnivores in nature. It is also advisable to introduce them to specialized foods, especially when they are young as the specialized foods give them a healthy boost. Just make sure to clean the water after feeding to avoid clogging air circulation and buildup of toxins.

Besides regularly cleaning the tank and cleaning the water, the other factor you must always keep in check in the amount of C02 in that water. The vegetation keeps the levels in check during the day, but at night it is recommendable to use artificial C02 machines. Keeping the levels right ensures the water does not become acidic to the extent of harming the inhabitants.

There are different grades of shrimps, but they all require the same care and attention if you are to keep them successfully. With everything done right, soon you will see the female lay eggs, which hatch after a month. Dedicated people have turned from keeping this type of shrimp from a hobby to money generating avenue.

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