Why Tree Trimming Round Rock May Not Be A DIY Job

By Paul Gibson

As the proud beginner stands before his newly blossoming bonsai tree, he becomes suddenly aware that he does not have a real bonsai tree just yet. The tree is too "bushy" and needs a trim. Bonsai Tree trimming Round Rock is a little like an artist standing at a blank canvas in the studio.

Injuries During Tree Trimming Are Common- There are a lot of safety issues in plant trimming that you don't have to worry about when you're gardening or pruning shrubs. Simply operating a chainsaw, even without actually cutting anything, is more dangerous than almost anything you can do on a knee pad with a trowel in your hands.

Correct bonsai plant pruning does depend on the species of bonsai plant. Leaf pruning or "pinching back" with your fingers is generally required to be performed for most plant types. But conifers cannot be pinched at the tips as this causes damaged needles to go brown. Conifer tips should be plucked out.

Chain saw-there are gas and electric powered chain saws but the one that is most popular for pruning plants is the gas-powered one. It is ideal for shaping the plants. It is a common piece of equipment used to trim plants and it comes in different sizes. They can trim any plant. The blade size that you select should meet your requirements.

New bonsai enthusiasts will discover that the bottom of their plant grows faster than the top creating an apical dominance. Unfortunately this is very common, but it can be partially controlled by pruning the top of the plant harder than the lower branches. Wiring can also be used when completing plant pruning. A piece of aluminum or copper wire is first wrapped around the plant trunk, then carried out to a branch that needs shaping. But DO NOT wire an unhealthy plant.

Keep The Plants Healthy- Here's the real kicker, though: presumably, if you're pruning a plant, it's because you'd rather not remove it. But pruning can do a lot of damage to a plant! If you're not sure what you're doing, you could easily end up putting unnecessary stress on the plant and impacting it's ability to resist pests and diseases in the future.

When done, the wire should be removed by cutting it into small pieces and then discarded. Don't attempt to unravel the wire, as parts of it may be already embedded into the actual plant. By following these easy steps, you can successfully trim your bonsai plant and enjoy the exquisite shape you have given it for many years to come.

In short, there's very few good reasons for someone to try to do their own plant pruning. It's unsafe to them, it's unsafe for their property, and it's unsafe for the plant. Instead, call a professional arborist service to come in and take care of the trimming properly.

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