Developmental Changes You Expect From Newfoundland Puppies

By Christopher Sanders

The desire of most home owners is to have dogs at home. Puppies are so adorable and easy to train. Also, dogs offer home owners one of the most exceptional companies. That said, the challenge most home owners face when raising dogs is what to expect as the dogs grow. Just like babies, dogs exhibit, many changes as they grow. The following are some of the changes you may witness as Newfoundland puppies grow.

At the age of five to three weeks old, it may be termed as the active stage of the dogs. Their sensory system starts to develop effectively and they are now aware of their environment. At this age, they are able to hear, smell and see. They are able to growl and chase, play, wiggle their tails, bare their teeth, and also get involved in activities engage their litter mates. It is also at this age that they are able to socialize and interact with their mothers and litter mates.

Puppies start to develop independent characters at week five to seven. At this point, the dogs are old enough for weaning. It may not be easy to clearly explain the unique behaviors dogs exhibit at this juncture as their behaviors are quite unpredictable. You may realize that the dogs seem to be in fear at all times. However, this should not hinder you from introducing them to the environment with different experiences. It is also the right time to develop sentimental attachment with your dogs.

Normally, dogs will start getting curious and investigating any strange thing when they are about 7 to 9 weeks. This is a stage where their sensory organs are fully developed. They start developing sociable traits such as making friendship with anyone they come across. Most of them at this stage start to convey the characters they should show while in the company of people.

As they discover that some things and people are not very friendly, dogs start being more cautions on the things around them. They begin to trend with caution. Here, you will notice your dogs are scared by mare movements or sounds. They also start being extra careful with those things they used to do without fear.

The motor skills of the puppy begin to grow when they are nine to twelve weeks old and their sensitivity to the environment in now evident. Though the attention span of your puppy may remain short, they are able to know the behaviors that suit particular times. At this age, the dogs do all they can to win your attention. To them, you and your family members are their close litter-mates now.

Your dogs will start to develop teeth at week thirteen to sixteen. One sign of teeth development is seeing your dogs with undying desire to chew every object they come across. The dogs also become aware of themselves. They start to be hardheaded. They refuse to hinder to certain rules and regulations they once adhered to. They seem wanting to be more independent. Training at this stage is quite challenging, as the dogs are adamant to hinder to instructions.

Due to curiosity of exploration, dogs at sixteen weeks and above may still be in the chewing phase. Remember at this age the puppy is through with teething and the training level should now advance to another. Such training include, walking on different objects such grass, tiles, carpet among others. They should also be allowed to interact with people of different kinds such as gender and age.

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