Encouraging Words Don't Cost A Thing

By Tony Kcorb

Everyone knows that life can be tough. With a few simple steps you can be on your way to living a life that is free of stress an anxiety.

YOU'RE HERE FOR A PURPOSE: Everyone of us living here on the planet earth has a higher purpose in which we are meant to realize. So many people settle for things in their life and never reach their full potential. Most of the time people don't understand that they are a powerful being with unmatched and unrealized potential. Study yourself and figure out what it is you were meant to do. A good starting place is to figure out what it is that you love to do.

DON'T PROCRASTINATE: If there is something that you want to accomplish, act now. There is no promise of tomorrow and you should act accordingly. Procrastination is a disease that has been holding people back from their dreams for as long as people have been on this planet. You should view something that you are procrastinating on in small manageable pieces. This will make the task seem much less daunting as you prepare to start. Remember how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

FEAR KILLS DREAMS: Of all the things that stop people from doing the things they really want to do, fear can arguably rank number one. Our fear has a way of dictating not only what we accomplish, but what we will even try. Millions of people go to a job everyday that they hate because they are too scared to find another. Fear has made the graveyard the richest place in the world. Here is where countless inventions, intentions, and riches have been taken and never realized. To live the life of your dreams you need to realize what fear, how it's controlling you, and take action to correct it.

YESTERDAY DOESN'T MATTER: Stop living in the past. By keeping your attention on what you should have or could have done in the past will most definitely keep you from accomplishing what you want to in the future. It is ok to realize and learn from the mistakes that you may have made in the past, but dwelling on them can be very detrimental to nearly everything you do. Everyone makes mistakes and nobody is perfect. Making peace with your mistakes is crucial to becoming the person you always wanted to become.

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