The Main Kinds of Personal Injury Suffered in the UK

By David Parkinson

We all want to be healthy and fit. A lot of us take care over our diet and ensure that we take regular exercise to make sure that we can enjoy spending active time with our family and friends. But occasionally we suffer in accidents that threaten our long term health and leave us incapacitated for a period of time. If you have suffered in this way, you should contact a good lawyer to help you get redress. There are many kinds of personal injuries for which compensation can be claimed. Obviously the most common injuries tend to be as a result of the most common accidents. A good lawyer will be able to help you with your claim because, although it might just be a statistic to some, it is extremely important to you. Your injury could cost you money by having to take time off work, or spend extra money on things like child care and taxis. A lawyer can help you to identify how the accident has affected your life and so how much you should be compensated.

There are, of course, tens of thousands of road accidents in the United Kingdom every year. Over 200,000 people are hurt in a car accident annually, 23,000 of whom have to spend time in hospital. Nearly all the injures are due to collisions and the most common injury, which can be suffered even in a minor accident is whiplash. Whiplash is an injury which is inflicted by the force of the head and neck being pushed forward and backward during a sudden change of speed or impact. It can be extremely painful and is responsible for many lost work days throughout the year. It can also render the victim almost immobile for a few days. Whilst there can be some quite serious complications in extreme cases, it usually requires rest and possibly some physiotherapy for the sufferer to get better. Lawyers are very experienced at these sorts of claims and often work on a no win no fee basis.

You would be amazed at how many people suffer from strains and sprains at work. These usually occur in offices rather than in places where physical exercise is expected. Building sites and warehouses, for example, often have strict rules and training to comply with health and safety requirements. Those requirements exist for offices as well, but are often not emphasised by management because physical effort is not usually needed. However, lifting or carrying injuries can account for a third of work related injuries and can be quite debilitating. Again, they can result in days off work and the need for extra help with family life - which could cost money. By contacting a good lawyer you can get proper redress for your suffering and take some of the stress away from your present circumstances.

Not all workplace injuries are the result of people not being properly trained or prepared. Slipping and falling accidents are also very common. These could be the result of spillages or of staff not being alerted to running repairs being carried out. It may sound silly but modern floors, especially in public or communal areas, are often highly polished and very hard. Liquid, combined with the residue from the cleaning products, used to keep them shiny, can make the floor very slippery, and very painful if you fall. A heavy fall can result in broken or fractured wrists and severe bruising. This would obviously mean you would need time off work to convalesce.

Not all injuries are a result of an accident. Some workplace injuries are related to the long term effects of environment or actions. If your office equipment is not suited to you, you my find that you have constant back ache or neck pain because you cannot sit properly at your desk or work station when you work, or you develop a repetitive strain injury because you are expected to regularly use equipment that contorts or strains muscles over a period of time. No matter how big or small the company you work for, it is subject to health and safety legislation, and a lawyer will be able to advise you about what is required.

There are also workplace diseases, which can develop in industrial and factory situations and could be the result of using dangerous machinery, or working in dangerous conditions. Illnesses that occur due to vibrating machinery or inhaling dangerous substances over a long period are particularly common. The law surrounding these illnesses can be quite complex, but you should not be afraid to consult a lawyer about this because some of these illnesses are quite devastating and even fatal.

No article can list all the personal injuries you could suffer from, just as it couldn't list all the accidents that could take place. But if you feel that you have suffered an injury in an accident that wasn't your fault, you should consult a lawyer. There are plenty of good lawyers who would be able to help you. They usually don't charge a fee for the first consultation and will be able to advise you about whether you have a claim or not. Your health is so precious, you should do all you can to protect it. If someone has caused your health to suffer, they should compensate you for your discomfort and help you get back on the road to recovery.

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