Understanding An Animal Whisperer Versus Animal Communicator

By Larry Young

When it comes to communicating among species, there is often a great deal of skepticism. Although, there are those which believe an Animal Communicator can translate messages between various animals and humans. In many cases, it appears that these individuals can indeed translate various messages, especially between pets and pet owners.

While most often this work is done with dogs, it can also be beneficial to owners of other pets as well as zoologists. For, when an owner or zoo keeper can better understand the needs of an animal, the animal is often a lot happier and healthier in the long run.

While those whom communicate with animals on a mental basis are known as pet psychics or psychologists, Whisperers work on a physical one. It should be noted that while this is the case, a pet psychologist often works to understand pets based on behavioral patterns like that of a trainer. Whereas, a pet psychic often translates messages from a pet to an owner.

Whether working with a pet verbally or non-verbally, most often the attempt is to achieve a desired response. For example, dog owners are often advised to teach a dog basic commands. These commands often include, come, sit, stay, up, down. Whereas, other pet owners have been known to achieve teaching an animal various behaviors and tricks upon request. As such, it has been proven that animals understand verbal communication and have a clear understanding when it comes to the desire of an owner.

When it comes to providing a psychic reading of a pet, there a number of different techniques. Some psychics attempt to read the soul of a pet based on behavior. Others communicate by using a pet form of Reiki which allows for reading of electromagnetic energies. Then, there are also animal oriented mediums which attempt to communicate with pets and other animals whom have passed on.

One group known as the Association for Research and Enlightenment has provided a great deal of research and information on humans with relation to psychic and paranormal abilities. While there has been no proven research with regards to communicating across species, the abilities of owners to teach dogs commands and tricks is proof in and of itself than pets can often understand the desires of owners.

To assist owners in better understanding pets, there are new tarot decks with a pet based focus. In most cases, there is a guide book associated with each deck that explains the meaning behind various cards. It is important that owners read and understand the guide book before providing a reading, otherwise one can easily become overwhelmed, especially when not knowing the meaning behind various cards.

Ultimately, it is up to each animal owner or trainer to decide whether or not one believes in these type readings. In most cases, there is enough of a response that owners can tell whether or not a reading is accurate based on behavioral patterns. When health issues are present, it can often be more beneficial to visit a veterinarian to obtain a diagnosis and treatment prior to visiting a psychic.

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