The Honey Bees For Sale Indiana Apiaries Have To Offer Make Wonderful Hobbies

By Catherine Collins

A lot of people love to work outdoors tending to vegetable and flower gardens. Many don't even mind the insects that gather nectar from their blossoms. Some even decide to encourage pollination by purchasing honey bees for sale Indiana apiaries have. Most do not plan on growing these insects on a full time basis. They are content with a few hives and the products that eventually come from them. In a small way they are repopulating their area with the workers, drones, and queens that have been ravaged by disease over the last few years.

This is an activity suitable for all ages and genders. You don't have to be physically fit or have an overabundance of knowledge to be successful at it. It can be a great project for children to undertake, with the supervision of an adult. It also makes a wonderful pastime for seniors who are retired and looking for something interesting and new to learn.

Whether you live in the northern section of the country or the southernmost tip, you can still have hives that thrive. You don't need too much room to keep several hives either. They will do fine on a patio or balcony or in a corner of a small yard. As long as you have flowering plants, the insects stay pretty much where you put them. There may be local ordinances governing what kind of system you can set up, so you should probably get in touch with city management before you go to any expense.

One of the attractions of this kind of activity is the affordability. You can purchase a starter kit for a hundred fifty to five hundred dollars. Kits usually come with protective gear, basic tools, a smoker, and an instruction manual. You normally get the queen, drones, and workers as a packaged set.

In addition to being fascinating to watch, you will end up with plenty of honey and beeswax. After tasting your own nectar, you probably won't be satisfied with anything you find in the store. The beeswax can be easily used to make homemade soaps, lotions, and lip balm. You can also experiment with jelly and candle recipes.

If you are interested in a hobby that is not particularly time consuming, beekeeping could be right for you. These insects don't need you to water and feed them every day. You should keep an eye on their food supply in the fall and spring, and they may need supervision in the summer to maximize production of nectar and wax. You will have to harvest the produce just like any other farmer, but there will be nothing at all to do during the winter months.

You could make some extra money if you want. Creative individuals often offer their candles and soaps in local shops. What you sell will depend on how much time you have and how crafty you are.

The importance of these insects to the environment. That cannot be overstated. Anyone who raises them, no matter how small the operation, is doing a service to the planet.

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