Counselors Are Always Needed At The Summer Camp Katy, TX Children Plan To Attend

By Henry Young

Many teenagers get jobs during the months when school is out of session. They work as servers in restaurants, sales people in mall stores, and lifeguards at community pools. Some are even lucky enough to work for their parents babysitting younger siblings. If you like working with children, you might consider applying as a counselor at a summer camp Katy, TX youngsters enjoy attending each year.

Before you start filling out applications however, you need to know what kind of commitment you will be making. Sleep away camps require staff to be on their premises twenty-four hours a day. Counselors are often assigned cabins with up to a dozen children to oversee. The interaction with youngsters is constant. In addition to activities, many staff members act as surrogate parents to their charges. There will be days off, but the job may last all season long.

Day camps are the other main category. They generally have morning or afternoon hours several days a week. The kids will vary in age and may be transported by parents or buses owned by the facility. If you want to have some free time to go to the beach or on a vacation with your family, day camps could be a good option.

Most day camps have themes. There are fitness and health camps, and camps dedicated to arts and crafts for instance. The staff doesn't usually expect its counselors to be experts in these fields, but there should some level of interest and affinity for it. It may not be difficult for a counselor to bluff his or her way through a kindergartner's arts and crafts project, but the skill level changes dramatically as the children get older.

Sports camps are very popular, and there are all different kinds of them. You might be able to choose from baseball, soccer, hockey, swimming, and even circus camps for example. In order to be hired as an instructor at one of these camps, you will need to know and understand the particular sport and how to teach it.

If you are someone interested in working with children with special needs, there are camps that accommodate them. This could be a very good experience for an individual who is planning to go into the field of teaching or administering to special needs children and adults. There will probably be more one on one interaction with these children and more instructors and counselors per group.

Underprivileged and under served youngsters often have a chance to attend camps. These children mostly come from areas where poverty and violence are the norm. They may be unfamiliar with things you take for granted. Patience, understanding, and acceptance are necessary qualities in the counselors who work at these camps.

Becoming a counselor at a vacation camp gives a young person a wonderful opportunity to learn new things and meet new people. They can enjoy the fresh air and get paid at the same time. Friendships may form that last a lifetime.

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