Healthy Pets Live Longer And Happier Lives

By Donna Stone

Animals have always been an important part of human life. Some animals are kept for food, others for produce and yet others for working. Yet, some animals are kept for companionship and they often become an integral part of the household. They are loved and cherished. They are not expected to work or to make any contribution other than to be there for the pleasure of all household members. It is vital to remember, however, that only healthy pets can provide joy and affection.

Animals that do not receive affection and attention from their owners can easily become unhealthy. They become frustrated, develop destructive habits and refuse to eat, all simply to attract the attention of their owners and to receive some form of affection. When choosing an animal, it is important to ascertain the level of personal attention that the animal will require and if it would be difficult to provide that level of attention it may be better to choose a different type of animal.

A lack of suitable exercise can also have a negative effect upon the health of an animal. Owners must make sure that their animals get enough exercise. Many types of caged animals can manage their own exercise regimes, provided that they have the tools necessary to do so. Others need to be taken for walks or enticed into games that will keep them fit and in shape.

Diet plays a critical role in the health of an animal. Owners should strictly maintain the diet suitable for the animal in question and refrain from feeding them snacks and food not conductive to their health. Treats should not be given too frequently and only suitable treats should be used. Vets agree that the biggest cause of disease in household animals can be ascribed to an unhealthy diet.

Animals often develop medical conditions that are not obvious to their owners. That is why it is necessary to schedule regular visits to the vet. Routine tests will quickly reveal potential problems which can be dealt with in good time. Animals should also receive their inoculations on a regular basis. Any sudden changes in the habits of an animal may be indicative of a health problem.

Boredom and stress can definitely influence the health of an animal. They need variety, just as humans do. Dog owners should vary the routes they take when they take the animal for walks. All animals should have a variety of toys and distractions and owners should avoid exposing the animal to situations known to cause anxiety and trauma.

The environment within which an animal is kept is vital to its health. Many dog species, for example, should never be kept in small spaces. Keeping exotic species have become fashionable but in many cases the local climate is simply not suitable for the animal. If the environment is not suitable for the animal, it is likely to become ill.

Only happy and healthy animals can play the role for which they were intended when they were adopted. This is the responsibility of the owner. Great care should be taken to only adopt animals that will readily adapt to the lifestyle of its owners and to learn as much as possible about the characteristic of the animal concerned.

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