A Quick Guide To Dog Door Installation In Denver

By Lisa Williamson

Sometimes, the best friend to man can make his owner feel more like a servant when it comes to letting him in and out. After the hundredth time of opening the doors to let Spot in and out of the house, it can get a little annoying. A simple solution for both owner and pet is to install a dog door so the animal can come and go as he pleases. Dog door installation in Denver Colorado is useful for residents since they can save not only time but also money on heating bills during the winter from not having to open and close the flap constantly.

One may choose to install the flap or hire a trained professional. The process involved here is the same. Of importance is to carry on the steps properly to have the entrance installed firmly and capable of letting the pet in out.

To ensure you have the right size of the flap, take measurement of the dog. Measure the height between the floor and lowest parts of the abdomen. Add two inches to the measurement between the animal chest and shoulder to come up with the right size of the opening. Its width is two inches wider than that of the animal.

Prepare a template and place it three inches away from the entrance. Mark holes for screws if you are going to use such to hold firm the structure. You need holes drilled for the screws and on the four corners of your house where the door will be fixed.

The opening is then cut into the main entrance by a jigsaw so the frame can be inserted. The outer frame, without the flap, is fitted into place first in the outward-facing opening. The main frame is then put into place, with care being taken not to flush out the door. There is also the inner frame, which has a flap, and is inserted into the inward-facing opening. The structure must be firmly held in place so it can be properly fastened with screws.

Apply caulk to the outer frame and any other airspace to keep off air. This is a great way to keep the dog warm. Besides, you do not want a lot of dust and other dirt getting into your pet residence.

There is an important step that involves teaching the dog how to use this new entrance. For a start, take off the flap to make sure the pet can get access to the house easily. A good tip is to reward the pet any time they use the new door coming in or going out. This could take about three days before you have a consistent pattern.

For a young animal, you may spend more time before he adapts to the new entrance. This calls for patience and regular training. Add affirmation messages to see how easy he can adjust to the new lifestyle, which will be relieve for both of you.

In Denver, many varieties of pet doors are available in an array of sizes and materials. Pet owners can find them in retail stores or online. Getting a dog door installed in your home can save both you and your pet much hassle when it comes to going outside.

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