How To Know If AA Is A Cult

By Harold Campbell

Choosing the right rehabilitation center for a drug addict requires you to consider a lot of things. Some of the centers are founded on creeds and not everyone will be comfortable with the associated beliefs and faith. There are several things you can look at when trying to find out if AA is a cult before enrolling. Here are some of those considerations.

One of the things you need to check is how recruitment is done. A good organization will register any willing person without inquiring about their religious and cultural beliefs. If people of a certain denomination are secluded from enrolling in the training, then you ought to know why. It could be that the beliefs of the said religion do not match what the organization is founded on.

It is good to understand the approach used in this center to transform the members. Some centers will use scientific methods like therapy accompanied by drugs, depending on the condition of the members. Others will use a psychological method of making the patient believes that he is a failure unless he changes. Others will forcefully prevent the victim from taking alcohol and this may have other negative effects on him.

The wealth of the organization and how it is accumulated will also help you know who you are dealing with. An organization that wants to control your finances can lead to your bankruptcy as they will be taking everything you earn and leave you straining financially. If there are any fees included, the amount should be a reasonable one.

The other thing to look for is the information they pass on to their members through their teachings. People that wish to convert others into their beliefs will include it in their program. You will notice that a lot of time is used on religious matters rather than the alcoholism issue that these members want to be addressed. Do not be afraid to inquire about the topics to be covered in each session.

Most people may not find the need to know how leaders are chosen in this institution as you are not planning to be committed for a long period of time. This is, however, an issue that could help you know if you are dealing with a genuine center or not. If the leaders are self-proclaimed and cannot be replaced under any circumstance, you ought to raise an eyebrow about it.

Entities that want to establish their own faith will want to grow in numbers and for this reasons, new members will be encouraged to join while the old members are discouraged from leaving. There are threats issued on those who may want to quit membership. Before committing yourself, inquire on what happens when you are no longer interested in attending the meetings.

Before making your final judgment, you can talk to the people that have been part of a program before and even those that are currently enrolled. They will give you first-hand experiences that will help in decision making. If the person left before completing his course, find out if their reasons have something to do with the doctrines governing the institution.

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