How To Empower Women Professionals Company

By Cynthia Hamilton

When a person wakes up in the morning, many of them will hit the snooze buttons on their mobile phones first, to get a few extra minutes of sleep while telling themselves that they are just resting their eyes. Finally, after their alarm rings two or three more times, they will get up.The majority of people who do work are not the bosses, they are instead the cogs in the machine. Now, they will generally work under the supervision of a manager, and more often than not, this manager is going to identify as a man. But there may be someone who identifies as a woman is just as qualified for the position, but will not receive the promotion simply because of their preferred gender. Which is a shame, since all that talent will go to waster. To avoid that waste, executives need to learn how to empower women professionals company.

There are so many benefits to having female leadership. For starters, it means that the concerns of female employees are more likely to be listened to. It also means that women are more able to succeed in the workplace.

Being a woman in the workplace is hard. For starters, just getting hired can be a hurdle, as many of people, regardless of gender, have an inherent bias that favors men. When a woman does get find employment, they can be paid significantly less than a male coworker with the same level of experience in the exact same position. Finally, one of the saddest realities of the world is that many women will be sexually harassed at some point in their life, and it often takes place in the workplace.

Men are taught to solve their problems one way, by going right through them as society dictates that a guy must be direct and aggressive. Women on the other hand are raised differently, they are taught to be polite and less direct. Thus, when it comes to problem solving, a woman will have a different point of view than a man and will see a workaround whereas a man might see an obstacle to be mowed down.

In the new world, offices are diverse. No one workplace is filed with a homogenous mixture of people. Offices are staffed with individuals who come from all walks of life. A lack of this can make a company look bad, and negative press can be the death knell for a business in the world of social media.

On average, men have about thirty three to forty percent more upper body strength than women. As such, society dictates that they are the aggressors. Now, this leads to men being seen as inherently aggressive, which makes people more wary of them. Women on the other hand are raised to be more gentle and nurturing, to prepare them for motherhood. This leads them be seen as more trustworthy.

Ever since the 1950s, girls have been much more likely to graduate from high school than boys. That trend has continued, as girls have continually out earned boys when it comes to education. Over half of all college degrees in the United States now go towards women, and this trend also goes up to the secondary level, where masters degrees and doctorate degrees are affected by this shift as well.

Correlation does not equal causation. Just because phenomenon A happened just before phenomenon B does not necessarily mean that phenomenon A cause phenomenon B. That said, it has been noted that companies with female leadership do better than companies that without it.

The world should be fair. But its not. Regardless, people should still try to make it so.

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