Check These Symptoms While In Diagnosis For Dementia Care

By Ann Hall

Dementia is the condition of impairment of insight, personality, intellect and memory resulting from brain disease or injury. Common types include frontotemporal, Lewy body and vascular dementia with the most common being Alzheimers disease. Efforts in preventing it include decreasing its risk factors like obesity, diabetes, smoking and high blood pressure though no cure has been found yet.

Typically, diagnosis is based on their illness history and a cognitive testing while eliminating other causes with the use of blood work or medical imaging. Someone which has problems with memory is not just the way for finding out if a Dementia Care CT by that person is needed. Two impairment types at least should manifest among the following that interferes significantly with their life daily.

An early symptom can be their trouble with memory specially with short term ones and have subtle changes happening. They might remember events that occurred years ago but not those they just did like what their breakfast was. Other examples include forgetting where an item was left, why they entered the room, and what they will do that day.

They may have difficulty in communicating their thoughts, explaining something or finding the words appropriate to express themselves. Conversing with them could be hard and concluding it will take longer than usual. They can have apathy developed or losing interest in hobbies, activities and spending time with others like friend or family, and seem emotionally flat instead.

Patients fail to recognize that their mood are changing while people around them not suffering potentially from dementia can easily identify it. An early usual symptom is depression and their personality probably shifted too. Typical change experienced by a person is them shifting into an outgoing individual from a shy one because illness affects the judgment they have.

They will struggle in completing normal tasks indicating the person having early dementia with subtle shifting of their ability. This typically starts with difficulty to do complex tasks like balancing a checkbook or playing games that has many rules. Finishing familiar tasks would be a struggle particularly when learning how to do new things and routines.

Their judgment, thinking and memory lapses that causes for confusion to arise when they cannot interact normally, find the words and remember faces. They occur for different reasons and apply in various situations like misplacing their keys and forgetting their next activity. Following storyline becomes harder such as what they heard from conversation, TV programs or movies.

Spatial orientation and sense of direction begins to deteriorate and fail usually when dementia starts. This means they fail to recognize regularly used directions and familiar landmarks anymore and it is almost impossible to follow new series of instructions and directions. Same tasks are commonly repeated and ask the same questions still even when they were answered before.

Adapting to changes is a struggle and this experience can make them afraid because they suddenly cannot remember familiar people or follow their conversation. They would not remember the reason they went to that place and gets lost when going home. That is why they crave doing routine things and fear new experience that are happening to them.

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