How And Why Do You Need To Conduct Waste Audit

By Anna Morris

The world is rewarding people and organizations that are sensitive about the environment. This is raising awareness about efficiency and maximum utilization of raw materials. There are cost implications whenever garbage is generated. This is why waste audit should be conducted on regular basis.

And why should you go through garbage that is supposed to be disposed off? The main reason for this action is to establish the amount and nature or composition of this garbage. It gives you an idea of the level of efficiency of your organization since you can gauge the raw materials purchased and garbage produced. You will also develop ways to prevent wastage in your daily operations.

With a figure or percentage indicating the level of efficiency, it is possible to evaluate the areas where budgetary adjustments can be made to minimize wastage. This will save the organization a lot of resources. You will re-evaluate the efficiency of systems to raise level or resource utilization by minimizing the amount wasted. This makes your systems and people more efficient.

Wastage sometimes emanates from lack of awareness of the levels of utilization and garbage produced. When the report is generated and shared with everyone in the organization, the level of awareness is raised. Making your workers more conscious of wastage will help improve their resource utilization and garbage sensitivity. Each department can establish how much it contributes in terms of garbage. The company can thus work towards reducing its carbon footprints and raise its profile in the community.

The process of auditing is rather simple. You need to gather people from various departments in your organization. Ensure that guys in finance and those in charge of health and safety are involved. Involving everyone generates support for your audit results. The custodial team is required to gather three days waste in one section. Provide labels to indicate dates, source and stream from where the garbage has been obtained.

Provide the auditing team with necessary safety and protective gear. Where hazardous materials are involved, extra care must be taken. Protective clothing like overalls, eye protectors, gloves and safety shoes should be provided. Have a checklist with you and a camera to document your results. Since you have to peruse through the garbage, take the highest level of protection possible. Handle garbage for a normal day other than one where there is a special occasion.

Separate the garbage in categories like biodegradable or otherwise. Weigh each category and enter your results in your checklist. The report should capture the source of garbage and its stream. You should also evaluate what is causing decomposition or contamination. Such details help you to craft a strategy that makes your processes more efficient.

The ultimate goal of collecting this data is to calculate the deviation rate. It is obtained when you divide the weight of recycled garbage with the total of recycled and overall garbage. You will need a percentage figure. Thus, you multiply the result by 100. The results must be communicated and shared with all workers and departments. It will make each one aware of wastage and therefore improve efficiency.

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