4 Of The Most Intriguing Cat Facts

By Robin Setser

Cats are nothing short of popular in different households. They are beloved pets to many and the fact that they exhibit different behaviors only adds to their charm. With that said, you might not know everything about these pets, regardless of how fond you are of felines in general. As a matter of fact, here are 4 intriguing cat facts that you probably didn't know about, courtesy of the best vets in the world.

Cats sleep often, but what's the reason for this? More than anything else, it's for the purpose of conserving energy, which is needed in order to help these animals perform the acts they're known for. As a matter of fact, many felines can sleep as long as 15 hours each day, which is substantially longer than the recommended time for humans. This is just one of the many cat facts that you might be interested to learn about.

Another thing to know, when it comes to cats, is that they are nothing short of agile. Not only are they quick when running, but their ability to leap is second to one. As a matter of fact, they have been known to leap up to five times their own height, which allows them to access hard-to-reach areas. How else are they able to reach windowsills, the tops of entertainment centers, and the like? Felines possess agility that trumps many other pets.

The taste buds that cats have must be taken into account, too. For instance, did you know that felines are biologically incapable of detecting sweet tastes? If you were curious as to why your cat strays away from beets, cooked carrots, or even cookie crumbs that have dropped onto the floor, it's because their taste buds can't pick up on their sweeter tastes. Compared to other animals, this is another reason why cats are so unique.

Despite their lack of sweet taste buds, cats have sharper senses in other respects. For instance, it's common knowledge that cats can see well in the dark. What you may not know, though, is that their vision allows them to see at one sixth the light that humans require for standard sight. In addition, felines can pick up on ultrasonic sound, which humans are incapable of hearing. Cats possess keen senses, but many pet owners don't know just how powerful they are.

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