A Crystal Ball Into Clothing Hang Tags

By Kathleen Nelson

Apparel hang labels are good marketing and branding accessories to promote your clothing lines. They are known to be effective attention grabbers and most important of all is that they serve as a product's center of information. Clothing hang tags are perfect for promoting a brand's awareness with their primary function being to relay crucial information to the buyers.

Although small in size, garment labels can bear different types of information based on the manufacturer requires about the product. Also, clothing labels are usually available in various types and brand promoters can choose to purchase pre-made labels or design custom ones to suit their tastes, preferences, and requirements. The decision about which one to pick from either of the two is dependent on the details you want to display about your item. However, custom-made labels tend to create a sense of touch and personality on products as compared to their ready-made counterparts.

Garment labels are used to give different kinds of details about your cloth. One kind of information they can be used to relay is mandatory information. In a nutshell, this is the kind of information that the government demands to be displayed to the customer. That sort of information must be seen on any garment label.

Concerning mandatory information, there is a lot that the legislators governing textile products require. First of all, the fiber content of the cloth must be displayed on the label. This should include but not limited to the name of any fiber used in the manufacture, the percentage of the fiber concerning the total fabric and the garment's actual weight. This helps to ensure that the fiber content is not in excess quantities that can be hazardous to the wearer.

Another kind of mandatory information that should be seen on the tags is the percentage of fabric by weight. The amount of fiber weight is usually listed as a proportion of the total fabric and must appear in descending order. Fiber with minimal or no effect on the fabric's general characteristics should not be left out.

Garment care details must also be present on the hang labels. Since this is valuable and crucial information, apparel manufacturers must weave or print it in a way or use material that can withstand any handling without fading or tearing. More importantly, care instruction must be a permanent component of the apparel, unlike any other information that can be printed on detachable hangs.

Besides necessary details, garment labels can also display voluntary information. These are the details that are not a compulsory requirement by the federal legislators. Optional information printed on apparel labels can include a product's brand name to help buyers identify their favorite brands. Also, guarantees and trademark names can be displayed although their absence is barely an issue of concern.

In most cases, hang tags are usually in the form of detachable labels carrying information about a particular garment. They can be attached to the apparel by a staple, plastic tag, pin or string. It is advisable to invest lots of attention to a design that makes a clothing label attractive because a label that can command attention is a label that sells.

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