Before You Go About Contracting An Office Cleaning Company Wilmington NC

By Marci Nielsen

To make more money you need to save more money or so it goes according to some not so well known business adage. In essence it means that you can have greater profits if you can save on costs by cutting back on some procedural or operational items. Daily accounting and time keeping and other such regular menial tasks can be outsourced to third party providers. Part of tasks that can be outsourced in Wilmington NC especially, are office cleaning chores and procedures. Thus if you are a manager currently in the market for an office cleaning company Wilmington NC area, then do read through this guide which may be able to assist you.

Redundant task are the target of most outsourcing endeavors. Payroll and benefits payments and stock management are most likely candidates and are clumped together in management as backroom processes and processing. Backroom means it happens but you do not necessarily see it. The same can also be said of office cleaning, it can be deemed as a backroom process.

An entire department can actually be dissolved or dismantled when outsourcing certain redundant processes and functions. By totally eliminating redundant functions albeit also including redundant personnel, then greater savings can be had. By getting rid of a non revenue function and have it done by a third party, you no longer need to worry about hiring and training for such a position.

With advantages there are also some disadvantages to this scheme. Breakage and theft of items when no one is in the office can be a thing to look out for, particularly if you have hired a fly by night operation. Thus do your background check properly and interview prospective workers intensively. You can never be too safe when it comes to third parties entering your premises.

An unforeseen disadvantage if you just new to the game would be when you allow your sub contractor power to schedule whenever they please the times they should work. This may look okay on the surface, but more unscrupulous providers may schedule work on expensive days and hours, like Sundays and holidays or graveyard shift times wherein you pay 30 to 50 percent more per hour. Thus be aware of this practice and schedule what is convenient for you and not for them.

A tie in period is a clause that can be seen in some contracts but not so common. It is a cleanse in a contract that basically states that you keep availing of a service for a fixed period of time regardless of how unhappy or disappointed you are with the service that was provided. This clause basically is there to your disadvantage so it is best that one does not exist on the contract you will be about to sign.

An emerging trend and concern is espionage and stealing of company secrets. As such there have been instances of cleaners and janitors stealing sensitive documents from desks and trashcans in the form of memos and ideas. Ensure your personnel get rid of confidential information properly by shredding and to lock up their other sensitive documents when cleaning hours or days arrive.

Thus this article has covered some important pros and cons of having a third party cleaning company. Be aware of these item in the article and plan accordingly when you finally sign that dotted line.

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