You Can't Always Be Positive

By Evan Sanders

You can't always be positive every single day.

If you were positive all of the time, how could people really trust what you were saying? Wouldn't they trust you a little bit more if they heard about your struggles and defeats?

Life is wonderfully balanced. So to be truly positive you really have to experience serious negatives as well. That's simply the way in which the world works. As Carl Jung once said, "The brighter the light the darker the shadow." I think that really applies here as well.

In my life, I try and keep my writing pretty positive and hopeful because I am out in this world to help others love deeply and perhaps, just maybe, something I talk about will help someone bring some light into their heart.

For years I've been taking my personal experiences of suffering through the worst of situations and transforming those events into stories that could somehow resonate with others. Those stories are not always coming from a positive place, but they can always end in sort form of light.

Everyone has gone through dark moments. Everyone has suffered through the worst of the worst. We are all challenged throughout our lives and some moments are darker than others. But we all can rise. We call can get back up and continue loving despite being through unloving situations. We can all continue to put our hearts on the line even if we have had ours broken to pieces.

So sometimes, writing something that's optimistic, is essentially me fighting as hard as I'm able to to keep a positive outlook on life. Some days are a lot harder than others. Some days, I feel just like I can hardly breath.

When you can take a negative situation in your life and shed light on it you truly can create something that can inspire the masses. Everyone really is struggling when it comes down to it. Everyone is suffering. But if you can try your best to see the best in everything you will be more than ok.

Struggle hard. Love hard.

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